
[updated September 2022]

This page has a reverse chronological list of my publications. For a list sorted by citation counts, see my Google Scholar profile.

Peer Reviewed

Bijay Neupane, Laurynas Siksnys, Torben Bach Pedersen, Rikke Hagensby, Muhammad Aftab, Bradley Eck, Francesco Fusco, Robert Gormally, Mark Purcell, Seshu Tirupathi, Gregor Cerne, Saso Brus, Ioannis Papageorgiou, Gerhard Meindl, and Pierre Roduit. 2022. GOFLEX: extracting, aggregating and trading flexibility based on FlexOffers for 500+ prosumers in 3 European cities [operational systems paper]. In Proceedings of the Thirteenth ACM International Conference on Future Energy Systems (e-Energy ’22). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 361–373. [link]

F. O’Donncha, A. Akhriev, B. Eck, M. Burke, R. Filgueira and J. Grant, “Deployment and Management of Time Series Forecasts in Ocean Industry,” 2021 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), 2021, pp. 4091-4096. [link]

A. Incremona, G. De Nicolao, F. Fusco, B.J. Eck, S. Tirupathi, (2021) Aggregation of nonlinearly enhanced experts with application to electricity load forecasting, Applied Soft Computing, 107857, link pdf

Francesco Fusco, Bradley Eck, Robert Gormally, Mark Purcell, and Seshu Tirupathi (2020) Knowledge- and Data-driven Services for Energy Systems using Graph Neural Networks. IEEE Big Data 2020. link pdf

B Eck, F Fusco, R Gormally, M Purcell, S Tirupathi (2019) Scalable Deployment of AI Time-series Models for IoT. AI for Internet of Things (AI4IoT) Workshop at 28th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, August 10-16 2019, Macao, China. link pdf

B Chen, B Eck, F Fusco, R Gormally, M Purcell, M Sinn, S Tirupathi (2018) Castor: Contextual IoT Time Series Data and Model Management at Scale 2018 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshops (ICDMW), 1487-1492.  link  pdf

E. Arandia, B.J. Eck (2018) An R package for EPANET simulations. Environmental Modelling & Software, Volume 107, September 2018, Pages 59-63.  Link pdf

B. Ghaddar, M. Claeys, M. Mevissen, B.J. Eck (2017) Polynomial optimization for water networks: Global solutions for the valve setting problem European Journal of Operational Research 261 (2), 450-459. Link pdf

B. J. Eck, H. Saito and S. A. McKenna (2016). “Temperature dynamics and water quality in distribution systems,” IBM Journal of Research and Development, vol. 60, no. 5/6, pp. 7:1-7:8, Sept.-Nov. 2016.  Link  pdf

B. Eck (2016). “Use of a Smoothed Model for Pipe Friction Loss.” Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. Link pdf

B. Eck (2016). ” An R package for reading EPANET files.” Environmental Modelling & Software, Volume 84, October 2016, Pages 149-154. Link pdf

B. Eck; E. Arandia; J. Naoum-Sawaya; F. Wirth (2015). “Decomposition Approach for Background Leakage Assessment: BBLAWN Instance.” J. Water Resour. Plann. Manage., 10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0000602, C4015009. Link pdf

J. Naoum-Sawaya; B. Ghaddar; E. Arandia; B. Eck (2015). “Simulation-optimization approaches for water pump scheduling and pipe replacement problems.” European Journal of Operational Research 246(1)293–306. Link

Arandia, E., Ba, A., Eck, B., and McKenna, S. (2015). “Tailoring Seasonal Time Series Models to Forecast Short-Term Water Demand.” J. Water Resour. Plann. Manage., 10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0000591, 04015067. Link pdf

B. Ghaddar; J. Naoum-Sawaya; A. Kishimoto; N. Taheri; B. Eck. (2015). “A Lagrangian decomposition approach for the pump scheduling problem in water networks.” European Journal of Operational Research 241 (2), 490-50. Link

B. Eck; M. Mevissen (2015). “Quadratic approximations for pipe friction.” Journal of Hydroinformatics 17(3) 462-472. Link

F. Fusco; B. Eck; S. McKenna (2014). “Bad Data Analysis with Sparse Sensors for Leak Localisation in Water Distribution Networks.” 22nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 3642-3647. Link 

Rounce, D; B. Eck; M. Barrett; D. Lawler (2012). “Reducing Turbidity of Construction Site Runoff: Coagulation with Polyacrylamide.” Transportation Research Record. 12-1250.

Eck, B.; R. Winston; W. Hunt; M. Barrett (2012). “Water Quality of Drainage from Permeable Friction Course.” Journal of Environmental Engineering. Link

Klenzendorf, J.B.; B. Eck; M. Barrett; R. Charbeneau (2012). “Quantifying the behavior of porous asphalt overlays with respect to drainage hydraulics and runoff water quality.” Environmental and Engineering Geoscience. 18 (1) 99-111. Link    pdf

Eck, B.; M. Barrett; R. Charbeneau (2012). “Forchheimer flow in gently sloping layers: application to drainage of porous asphalt.” Water Resources Research. 48, W01530, doi:10.1029/2011WR010837. Link pdf

Eck, B.; M. Barrett; R. Charbeneau (2012).  “Coupled Surface-Subsurface Model for Simulating Drainage from Permeable Friction Course Highways.” Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 138(13). Link. pdf

Eck, B.; M. Barrett; R. Charbeneau (2011). “Correction to ‘Drainage Hydraulics of porous pavement overlays.'”  Water Resources Research 47, W03901, doi:10.1029/2011WR010404.  Link

Eck, B.; M. Barrett; A. McFarland; L. Hauck. (2010)  “Hydrologic and Water Quality Aspects of Using a Compost/Mulch Blend for Erosion Control.” Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering. 136(9)  646-655.  Link


B Eck, F Fusco, R Gormally, M Purcell, S Tirupathi (2019) AI Modelling and Time-series Forecasting Systems for Trading Energy Flexibility in Distribution Grids Proceedings of the Tenth ACM International Conference on Future Energy Systems (e-Energy 2019) Pages 381-382, Phoenix, AZ, USA — June 25 – 28, 2019. link pdf

Eck, B. (2018) “Water demand and network modelling with R.” 9th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software. Fort Collins, Colorado, USA. pdf

Eck, B. (2016) epanetReader: A Package for Reading EPANET Files into R. World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2016: pp. 487-496. Link pdf

B Eck; F. Fusco; N Taheri (2015) Scenario Generation for Network Optimization with Uncertain Demands. World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2015: pp. 844-852. Link pdf

ME Purcell, MG Barry, BJ Eck (2014) Using Smart Water Meters In (Near) Real-Time On The iWIDGET System. HIC 2014 – 11th International Conference on Hydroinformatics. Link pdf

M. Barry; M.  Purcell; B. Eck; J. Hayes; E. Arandia (2014) “Web Services for Water Systems: the iWIDGET REST API” Procedia Engineering 89, 1120-1127. Link

E Arandia, B Eck, S McKenna (2014). The Effect of Temporal Resolution on the Accuracy of Forecasting Models for Total System Demand, Procedia Engineering 89, 916-925. Link

BJ Eck, E Arandia, J Naoum-Sawaya, F Wirth (2014) “A Simulation-Optimization Approach for Reducing Background Leakage in Water Systems” Procedia Engineering 89, 59-68. Link

B. Eck; S. McKenna; A. Akrhiev; A. Kishimoto; P. Palmes; N. Taheri; S. van den Heever (2014) “Pump Scheduing for Uncertain Electricity Prices.”  World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2014: pp. 426-434. Link  pdf

SA McKenna, F Fusco, BJ Eck (2013) “Water demand pattern classification from smart meter data” Procedia Engineering 70, 1121-1130. Link

B Eck, M Mevissen (2013) “Fast non-linear optimization for design problems on water networks” World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, Cincinnati, OH. Link pdf

B. Eck (2012). “Smartphones for urban hydrology: an analysis of Creekwatch observations.” AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, pp. 1478. Link

Wasserkrug, S.; S. Van Den Heever; E. Israeli; S. Zeltyn; A. Zadorojniy; B. Eck; M. Mevissen (2012). “Non-Invasive Non-Revenue Water Reduction using Analytics and Optimization.” Water Loss Europe 2012, May 23-25.

M. Mevissen; B. Eck; S. Van Den Heever (2012). “Convex Optimization and MINLP Approaches for Decision Problems in Water Distribution Networks” INFORMS Optimization Society Conference, Coral Gables, Florida, February 24-26.

Eck, B.; M. Barrett; R. Charbeneau. (2011). “Drainage Hydraulics of Porous Pavement Overlays” Proc. World Environmental and Water Resources Conf.: Palm Springs, California, May 22-66. link pdf

Eck, B.; M. Barrett; R. Charbeneau. (2010). “A Physically-based Model for Surface and Subsurface Drainage from Porous Pavement Overlays.” Poster presentation.  American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, December 13-17.

Eck, B.; B. Klenzendorf; R. Charbeneau; M. Barrett (2010) “Permeable Friction Course for Sustainable Highways” Proc. Green Streets and Highways Conf.: ASCE.

Eck, B.; M. Barrett; A. McFarland; L. Hauck. (2010) “Evaluation of Compost as an Alternative to Hydromulch for Vegetative Stabilization.” Proc. TMDL 2010 Conf., CD-ROM: American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers.

Eck, B.; R. Charbeneau; M. Barrett (2010). “A Drainage Model for Roadways Paved with Permeable Friction Course.” National Hydraulic Engineering Conference, Park City, Utah, August 31-September 3.

Eck, B.; M. Barrett; R. Charbeneau (2010). “Permeable Friction Course: Using the Road as a BMP.” The North American Surface Water Quality Conference & Exposition (StormCon), San Antontio, Texas, August 1-5.

Eck, B.; M. Barrett; R. Charbeneau; B. Klenzendorf (2010). “Water Quality of Drainage from Permeable Friction Course.” Texas Section ASCE Spring 2010 Meeting, Austin, Texas, April 11-13.

Klenzendorf, B; M. Barrett; R. Charbeneau; B. Eck (2010). “Measurements and Changes of Hydraulic Conductivity of Permeable Friction Course.” Texas Section ASCE Spring 2010 Meeting, Austin, Texas, April 11-13, 2010.

Barrett, M; B. Klenzendorf; B. Eck; R. Charbeneau (2009). “Water Quality and Hydraulic Properties of the Permeable Friction Course.” Proceedings of the World Environmental and Water Resources Conference 2009, Kansas City, MO, May 17-21, 2009.

Eck, B.; M. Barrett; A. McFarland; L. Hauck (2008). “Comparison of Compost and Hydromulch for Stabilization of Disturbed Sites”, Texas Section ASCE Fall 2008 Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1-4, 2008.

Barrett, M.; A. McFarland; B. Eck; T. Adams (2008). “Comparison of Compost and Hydromulch for Stabilization of Disturbed Sites”, World Environmental and Water Resources Conference 2008, Honolulu, Hawaii, May 12-16, 2008.

doi:10.1029/2011WR010404, in press (accepted 26 Jan. 2011)