Nearly two years ago, I released a package for reading water network data into R. The package, called epanetReader has had a few milestones recently so I thought it would be good to celebrate with a blog post.
Featured in IBM’s Environment Report
The epanetReader package makes IBM’s corporate environmental report for 2016. You can read all about it on page 43.
Now in 100 Countries
In June 2017, Uruguay became the 100th country where epanetReader was downloaded from RStudio’s CRAN server. Welcome to the colleagues in Uruguay! The total number of downloads from this server is now over 6000. There are about 120 other CRAN servers that do not provide logs so the total number of downloads is anyone’s guess.
New Release
Version 0.5.1 was released to CRAN on 26 May 2017. This version adds a new plotting option to include labels of elements in the network, similar to the windows graphical interface. Labels are enabled like this:
plot(Net1, plot.labels = TRUE)
The new release also includes the test suite as part of the CRAN package. Previously, the test suite was only available on github. Now the tests are fully part of the package and run as part of the package checking process. Code coverage is currently at 94%. Contributions of new tests to improve the coverage are very welcome.